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LIFESTYLE | Personal Tag

MY QUESTIONS: 1.) What made you start blogging? I started blogging back in my first year at uni. I was studying textiles and had just moved out and was quite lonely. One of my flatmates was also a blogger and introduced me to this world and I was hooked! I started joining twitter chats and meeting some amazing people and felt like a part of a community! 2.) Do you keep your blog a secret from your friends & family or does everyone know? My friends and family all know, I have a really supportive circle and so my parents are my biggest Youtube Fans haha! But when it comes to my blog my boyfriend Chris and best friend Beth are super supportive and motivating. 3.) Where is your favorite place to take photos? Why? I love photographing outdoors, I find nature and green really peaceful. If you head over to my Instagram (sophie_kennerley) I have recently visited the Forest Of Dean and it was the most peaceful trip ever! Just going on long walks and bike rides, I felt so calm ...

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